The Contest Issue
Issue #5
From the Editors
This issue was a "first time" for us in many ways. It was our first contest – each category of The Contest Issue had a different judge and the winner took home a prize, and the theme was a free-for-all. We got the highest number of submissions ever (especially in Music), and the final decisions were not easy. We hope you like the winning entries as much as we do.
This is also our first issue with a Film section. Check out our short films of five minutes or less. Whether it's tangled-up relationship going awry at the video store, a toxic underwater mystery, or Scott Prendergast singing a deranged Happy Birthday, we think you'll agree it's an exciting addition to the magazine.
You may be wondering where the photo-essay section is this time around. We ended up canceling the category when we did not receive enough qualified entries. We're giving it another shot with the upcoming issue, but if we receive scant entries again, we'll discontinue the category permanently. Photographers, don't be intimidated by the "essay" component! We're looking for a series of photos with captions of any length. Not so scary. Collaborations between writers and photographers are also welcome. Send your work on in.
We'd like to give a great big thank you to our judges for The Contest Issue: Tom Barbash, Edie Meidav and Michelle Richmond in Fiction, Maxine Chernoff in Poetry, Julia Scheeres in Nonfiction, Xandra Castleton in Film and Rosalie Howarth in Music. They gave generously of their time and expertise, and we are pleased and honored to have them be part of our Big Ugly family.
Also a big thanks to Kerri Stephens of Varnish Fine Art Gallery, where we will be having our Release Party for this issue. Please stop by for an evening of short films, readings and music from the winners in this issue. Mark your calendars: Tuesday, August 29, 6-9 p.m. at Varnish, 77 Natoma Street at Second (off Market, near Montgomery BART) in San Francisco. We'll see you there!
Enjoy the issue,
– Editors

Table of Contents
Issue 7: Fight or Flight
Get ready for some great writing about fights and flights, and that unnerving gray area in between.
Issue 6: The Body Issue
Admit it. We look fantastic. I mean, just look at us! We're still big and we're still ugly, but my God. We can hardly stop looking at ourselves.
Issue 4: Hidden Agendas
Apparently our readers have lots to hide, because we got hundreds of great submissions for The Hidden Agendas Issue. We're very excited about what we have for you inside.
Issue 3: Maps
Losing yourself in the world, and trying to find your way back.
Issue 2: Broken Things
Picking up the pieces, shaking what doesn't work anymore to see if it's really kaput.
Issue 1: The First Time
The premiere Big Ugly Review looks at launches, debuts, rocky and triumphant starts.